Jake Harvey/Will Maclean
From The Studio II
New Sculptural Works
Thursday 18th March – Friday 16th April, 2010
Jake Harvey’s two recent works in stone are reductive, sensual evocations. Rest, in Porphrytic limestone refers to African and Japanese headrests, while Whet’s elliptical, polished granite form, and the forged and waxed steel of Ellora, evoke ancient temples in Central India.
In 2007 Harvey launched the STONE project through Edinburgh College of Art, where he is Professor in the Department of Sculpture. As a result 10 international sculptors carved together for a month during the 2009 Edinburgh Festival.The finished works are on exhibition in the Yorkshire Sculpture Park as The Stone Project and Milestone Carve 20 March to May 2010. (www.ysp.co.uk)
We are pleased to announce that in March 2010 Will Maclean was honoured with a Fellowship from the Royal Society of Edinburgh, after a rigorous selection process, culminating in a ballot from the 1,500-strong Fellowship of experts in the Sciences, Arts and Humanities, the Professions, Industry and Commerce.
In celebration of this we are presenting three recent works from the studio, alongside an installation of the major box-construction work, Navigator’s Museum: Instructions for Coast Watchers, with an accompanying series of 9 works from the series: Pages From A Log Book. The honed economy of Maclean’s assemblages reflect both the wit and brevity of a surrealist inheritance, as well as a precise knowledge of technical efficiency and what is ‘fit for purpose’.
