Kevin Laycock  




Love Stories: The Art of Romance, Passion & Heartbreak, ISBN: 9781874516194

2010 Collision, ISBN: 0-9550385-8-8
2007 Uncertain Harmonies No 10, The Colourist, cover feature, Autumn issue
  Uncertain Harmonies, ISBN: 1-901993-53-1
2005 Tectonics, ISBN: 0-904490335
2002 Controlled Chaos, ISBN: 0-9518476-5-1

Time Death and Judgement, Victorian Painting from the Kirklees Collection, Huddersfield Art Gallery


Be Original or Die, Photographic works by Madame Yevonde, exhibition text for Huddersfield Art Gallery

Papers in Journals


Painting Colour Scales and Cadences, Journal of the International Colour Association


Visual interpretations of the score in painting and digital media, Journal of the International Colour Association, ISNN: 2227-1309

2009 Tectonics, Journal of the International Colour Association, ISSN: 1753 7223

Uncertain Harmonies, Journal of the International Colour Association, ISSN: 1753 7223


Colour Harmony, Stephen Westland, Kevin Laycock, Vien Cheung, Phillip Henry and Forough Mahyar, Journal of the International Colour Association, ISNN: 1753 7223