Page 9 - Art First: Will Maclean: Gleaned and Gathered
P. 9

²e SecondTime: Craft
                           What I call ‘craft time’, sitting as it does in between the historic and the
                           mineral, is a key middle region for Maclean—naturally enough given that

                           sea faring peoples are habitually familiar with the fluid territories between
                           land and sea (and their concomitant associations with order and chaos,
                           security and risk, home and work life). ²e artist’s formative occupation
                           as a member of the merchant navy has clearly stayed with him in obvious

                           and per haps more subtle ways. One example of this is Maclean’s interest
                           in  a classic mari time book by Captain John MacNab, enticingly called
                           The Revised Catechism of the Law of Storms. For the use of sea officers(1920
                           edition), and which has directly informed works in this exhi bition such

                           as Navigator’s Box/Storm finder (2013) and On the Law of Storms(2014). Such
                           handbooks seek to make a craft of storm navi gation using set formulations
                           to offer safe passage for ships caught in dangerous weather. ²e idea of
                           storms observing laws captures the perfect strange ness of how a human

                           code crafted to help to save lives at risk sits between environ mental flows
                           of the weather (mineral time) and the mari time industries (historic time).
                           Ωis kind of data-rich book can also be seen as another kind of crafted
                           object that always features in Maclean’s art and which generously fills his

                           own studio—the instru ments and tools usually of nautical or hunting origin
                           gleaned and gathered from around the world. Objects born from the util -
                           ities and exigencies of fishing, dwel ling and living gener ally fill his world
                           and provide a seem ingly endless vocabu lary for him to draw upon. Ωere

                           is always a sense of  ‘at hand ness’ with the tools and instruments that
                           feature in Maclean’s work such as Thoughts of Time(2013) and Voyage of the

                           De Bestiis Marinis (for Simon Lewty), 2014, found objects and mixed media, 52 x52 x5 cm
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