Page 48 - Art First: Wilhelmina Barns-Graham: 2014
P. 48

Published in connection with
                     Wilhelmina Barns-Graham
                     A survey of important works 1945–1995
                     presented by Art First at the The London Art Fair, 2014


                     Wilhelmina Barns-Graham
                     In Perspective: the late paintings
                     An exhibition at Art First, 26 March–17th May, 2014

                     Art First
                     21 Eastcastle Street, London W1W 8DD
                     Telephone 020 7734 0386

                     The Barns-Graham Charitable Trust
                     Balmungo House, St. Andrews, Fife KY16 8LW
                     Telephone 01334 479953

                     The Trust is registered in Scotland
                     as a charity No. SC016854
                                                                                   Published jointly by
                                                                                   Art First Limited, London
                                                                                   and The Barns-Graham Charitable Trust
                     ISBN 978-0-9571050-1-0
                                                                                   copyright © 2014 art first limited
                                                                                   and The Barns-Graham Charitable Trust
                                                                                   Art First: Clare Cooper  • Benjamin Rhodes
                                                                                   The Barns-Graham Charitable Trust: the Trustees
                                                                                   All rights reserved
                                                                                   No part of this publication may be reproduced,
                                                                                   stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
                                                                                   in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical,

                                                                                   photo copying, recording, or otherwise without
                                                                                   the prior written permission of Art First Limited
                                                                                   and The Barns-Graham Charitable Trust
                                                                                   This publication ©Art First and
                                                                                   The Barns-Graham Charitable Trust 2014
                                                                                   images of paintings ©the artist’s estate
                                                                                   Print: Healeys, Ipswich
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