Page 107 - Art First: Simon Morley: Lost Horizon
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2008   Moon Palace, Paik Hae Young Gallery, Seoul
                      Cine Italia, Zonca & Zonca, Milan
               2007   A Short History of Dutch Painting, Part II, Metis NL, Amsterdam
                      Classic Japanese Movies, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo
                      e English Series, Art First, London
               2005   Bookpainting, Fiera del Libro d’Arte, Palazzo del Re, Bologna
                      VIRUS, Taguchi Fine Art, Tokyo
               2004   A Short History of Dutch Art, Metis NL, Amsterdam
                      Rossa, Galleria Spazia, Bologna
                      Reading Room (with Maria Chevska), MOCA Peckham and Peckham Library, London
               2004   A Short History of Modern Japanese Fiction (in Translation), Taguchi Fine Art,Tokyo
                      MiArt, Milan (Percy Miller Gallery)
               2003   Post Card, Percy Miller Gallery, London
                      e Life of ings, 3 Degrees West Gallery, Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere (Artist- in- Residence exhibition)
                      e Unfortunate Tourist of Helvellyn and his Faithful Dog, 3 Degrees West Gallery, Wordsworth Trust
               2002   Italian Holiday, Zero Arte Contemporanea, Piacenza, Italy
               2000/1  e Collected Works of George Orwell, and Other Paintings, Percy Miller Gallery, London

                      Se le cted Group Exhi b i ti ons
               2013   Crossing Space, Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover, Germany
                      Natural History, Art First, London
                      Monocromi. Dalla Materia alla Superficie. La Poetica dell’oggetto, with Pino Pinelli, Galleria Spazia, Bologna
                      Chang Eung- Bok’s Boutique Hotel, Peach Blossom Dream, SeMA Living Arts Museum, Seoul
                      Gwangju Design Biennial, South Korea
               2012   e Unknown, Poznan Mediations Biennial, Poznan, Poland (selected by Friedhelm Mennekes)
                      REAL DMZ, Cheorwon Province, South Korea, curated by Samuso
               2011   Guest from the Future, with Maria Chevska, Galerie8, London
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