Page 11 - Art First: Kate McCrickard: New Romantics
P. 11

be lime green, in Gluttons or example? Saying that, subject matter
                       does inevitably talk—I might not think to paint a depressed middle
                       aged drinker in pink leggings, but a group of young punks is an
                       excuse for wild colour.

               CC           What is coming next?

               KMcC    I’ve always avoided depth of field as you note, but I’m currently work-
                       ing on a couple of scenes circling around ideas of imagined séances,
                       or Ouija boards, lit by a single candle, faces lit from below. This is
                       bring ing in a new depth of field. The Feasting canvas is the first of
                       these. I’ve wanted to paint night scenes for a while, with no success.
                       So this is one aim and also to calm my tendency towards a visual horror
                       vacui, born of an inability to place my figures—they are too often figures
                       without a ground; I cram the space around them in avoidance. I need
                       to let them breathe.

                               March, 2023

                                      Kate McCrickard and Clare Cooper

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