Page 2 - Art First: Helen MacAlister: At the Foot o’ Yon Excellin’ Brae
P. 2
emove Duncan name and if possible link it to text on pg 15 on rt.
Place image on this page: EX pf 34, Bealach Nam Ba PAGE 33
Text of essay as is….
EX pg 20
place detail image of Lido, Campbelltown (jpg from Clare) to same block size as the final para and footnotes of
Duncan’s essay.
EX pg 21
place image F44 (Lido Campbelltown) here.
Left: I pg 27 and I pg 28 to show double page spread of 2 installation shots.
Ex pg 22, 23 as they are.
Ex pg 24, 25, 26, 27 as they are
REMOVE EX pg 28,29.
Keep EX pg 30, 31 as they are.
With image of Glen Urquhart F pg 45
With image of Nonsense Vocables F pg 46, and Tinkers Curse F pg 47. SAME PAGE?
To show I pg 39, installation shot of wall of drawings (needs tidying up!) DEPTH
Then EX pg 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 as is.
EX pg 38:
Place F pf 65 detail image of Standard Habbie here, with EX pg 39 as is.
EX pg 40: